2012年11月6日 星期二

聖嚴法師108自在語 中英對照版 (85~108):幸福人間 Building a Pure Land (轉載)


85. 好話大家說,好事大家做,好運大家轉。
May good words be spoken by all; may good deeds be done by all; then may the fortunes of all be transformed.
86. 大家說好話,大家做好事,大家轉好運。
May all speak good words; may all do good deeds; then all may transform their fortunes.
87. 每人每天多說一句好話,多做一件好事,所有小小的好,就會成為一個大大的好。
If everyone can just say one more good word or do one more good deed every day, all the small good will add up to a great good for society.
88. 急須要做,正要人做的事,我來吧!
If an urgent task is waiting to be done, come forward and say, “I’ll do it!”
89. 我和人和,心和口和,歡歡喜喜有幸福。
In harmony with self and so with others, both in mind and in speech, one is full of joy and happiness.
90. 內和外和,因和緣和,平平安安真自在。
In harmony with the inner and so with the outer, with causes in harmony with conditions, in peace and well-being one is truly free.
91. 自求心安就有平安,關懷他人就有幸福。
To seek inner peace is to enjoy peace in life; to care for others is to attain happiness.
92. 人品等於財富,奉獻等於積蓄。
Virtues are equal to fortunes, and giving is equal to saving.
93. 奉獻即是修行,安心即是成就。
To give of oneself is to cultivate the path; to achieve inner peace is to succeed on the path.
94. 擁有的多,不一定讓人滿足;擁有的少,不一定讓人貧乏。
Possessing much won’t necessarily make one satisfied; possessing little won’t necessarily make one want.
95. 能不亂丟垃圾,隨時清撿垃圾,都是做的功德。
By just picking up litter and refraining from littering, we are doing meritorious deeds.
96. 好人不寂寞,善人最快樂,時時處處助人利己,時時處處你最幸福。
The good are never alone, and the kindhearted are the merriest. Those who help others and so benefit themselves are the happiest.
97. 若希望人際關係相處得好,就要把心量放大,多接納人,多包容人。
To develop good interpersonal relationships, one needs to broaden the mind, and be more affable and tolerant.
98. 只要自己的心態改變,環境也會跟著改變,世界上沒有絕對的好與壞。
Change your mind-set, and you will see the world differently: there is no absolute good or bad in this world.
99. 人與人之間的相處之道,需要溝通,溝通不成則妥協,妥協不成時,你就原諒和容忍他吧。
Building good interpersonal relationships requires communication. When communication fails, try compromise. And if attempts at compromise also fail, then forgive and tolerate.
100. 大的要包容小的,小的要諒解大的。
The larger should tolerate the lesser; the lesser should understand the larger.
101. 以全心全力關懷家庭,用整體生命投入事業。
Put your heart and soul into the family, and your whole life into your career.
102. 戒貪最好的方法,就是多佈施、多奉獻、多與人分享。
The best way to abstain from greed is to give more, contribute more, and share more with others.
103. 包容別人時,雙方的問題就解決了。
Tolerance is the best solution to differences.
104. 學佛的人,有兩大任務:莊嚴國土,成熟眾生。
Buddhists have two great missions: one is to glorify the buddha land, and the other is to bring sentient beings to spiritual maturity.
105. 要做無底的垃圾桶,要學無塵的反射鏡。
Be a bottomless trash can that can never be choked by others’ mental junk; be a dustless mirror that reflects the world as it is with no distortion.
106. 煩惱消歸自心就有智慧,利益分享他人便是慈悲。
To dissolve vexations within the heart is wisdom; to share interests with others is compassion.
107. 用慚愧心看自己,用感恩心看世界。
Scrutinize ourselves with a sense of shame, but view the world with a sense of gratitude.
108. 淨化人心,少欲知足,淨化社會,關懷他人。
To purify the mind, start by reducing desires and knowing contentment; to purify society, start by extending loving care to others.