2012年11月6日 星期二

聖嚴法師108自在語 中英對照版 (1~29): 提昇人品 Uplifting Character (轉載)

以下就是中英對照版的聖嚴法師108自在語 (1~29): 提昇人品

1. 需要的不多,想要的太多。
Our needs are few; our wants are many.
2. 知恩報恩為先,利人便是利己。
To be grateful and repay kindness—this is first; to benefit others is to benefit ourselves.
3. 盡心盡力第一,不爭你我多少。
Devote wholehearted effort without calculating who does or gains more.
4. 慈悲沒有敵人,智慧不起煩惱。
Kindness and compassion have no enemies; wisdom engenders no vexations.
5. 忙人時間最多,勤勞健康最好。
The busy make the most of time; the diligent enjoy the best of health.
6. 佈施的人有福,行善的人快樂。
Those who give selflessly are blessed; those who do good deeds are happy.
7. 心量要大,自我要小。
Cultivate a big heart—but a small ego.
8. 要能放下,才能提起。提放自如,是自在人。
To take on anything, one must first be able to let go. One is truly free who can take on and let go of anything in peace.
9. 識人識已識進退,時時身心平安;知福惜福多培福,處處廣結善緣。
Know yourself and others, and the ways of the world, so as to have a peaceful body and mind. Recognize, cherish, and nurture your blessings, and seize every chance to be of service.
10. 提得起放得下,年年吉祥如意;用智慧種福田,日日都是好日。
For those who can take things on and let them go in peace, every year is an auspicious year. For those who can sow with wisdom the seeds of blessings, every day is a good day.
11. 身心常放鬆,逢人面帶笑;放鬆能使我們身心健康,帶笑容易增進彼此友誼。
Maintain a relaxed body and mind, and meet and greet with a smile. Relaxation enhances physical and mental health, and a smiling face promotes friendship.
12. 話到口邊想一想,講話之前慢半拍。不是不說,而是要惜言慎語。
Before you open your mouth to speak, think twice and chew your words carefully. The point is not to hold your peace, but to speak with discretion and prudence.
13. 在生活中,不妨養成:「能有,很好;沒有,也沒關係」的想法,便能轉苦為樂,便會比較自在了。
Try to cultivate this attitude in life: if I can have what I want, that’s good; if I can’t, that’s fine too. This will help us turn our suffering into joy, and live a happier life.
14. 四安:安心、安身、安家、安業。
To uplift our character, begin with cultivating peace in mind, body, family, and activity.
15. 四要:需要、想要、能要、該要。
In dealing with your heart’s desire, ask yourself these questions: Do I need it, or do I want it? Can I acquire it? Should I acquire it?
16. 四感:感恩、感謝、感化、感動。
To get along with others, we must feel grateful for events that help us grow, feel thankful for chances to hone ourselves, reform ourselves through the Dharma, and inspire others through exemplary behavior.
17. 四它:面對它、接受它、處理它、放下它。
When faced with any difficulty of life, resolve it by following these four steps: face it, accept it, deal with it, and then let it go.
18. 四福:知福、惜福、培福、種福。
To increase our blessings we need to recognize blessings, cherish blessings, nurture blessings, and sow the seeds of blessings.
19. 能要、該要的才要;不能要,不該要的絕對不要。
Pursue only what you can and should acquire. Never pursue what you can’t and shouldn’t acquire.
20. 感恩能使我們成長,報恩能助我們成就。
Gratitude can make us grow, and the resolve to return favors can help us succeed.
21. 感謝給我們機會,順境、逆境,皆是恩人。
Feel thankful for the chances to hone ourselves: both good and ill fortune are our benefactors.
22. 遇到好事,要隨喜、讚嘆、鼓勵,並且虛心學習。
When good things happen, we should rejoice in, praise, encourage, and then learn from them in modesty.
23. 少批評、多讚美,是避免造口業的好方法。
To criticize less and praise more is a good way to avoid creating negative karma of speech.
24. 平常心就是最自在、最愉快的心。
An ordinary mind is a mind of utmost freedom and unsurpassed joy.
25. 踏實地走一步路,勝過說一百句空洞的漂亮語。
A solid step forward speaks louder than a hundred empty, fair words.
26. 知道自己的缺點愈多,成長的速度愈快,對自己的信心也就愈堅定。
The more weaknesses you discover in yourself, the faster you will develop, and the more self-confident you will be.
27. 多聽多看少說話,快手快腳慢用錢。
Keep your ears and eyes wide open, but mouth tight shut; be quick with your hands and legs, but slow to spend.
28. 唯有體驗了艱苦的境遇,才會有精進奮發的心。
Only after encounters with hardships will one be roused to vigorous diligence.
29. 踏踏實實做人,心胸要廣大;穩穩當當做事,著眼宜深遠。
Be a down-to-earth person with a broad mind; be a sure hand with piercing foresight.